Come over for a coffee with RED

This month RED would like to chat to you (ADIs and PDIs) about the RED brand, driver training and how business is going at the moment.
Before making any changes or improvements, we’d like to hear what you think of RED’s image or practices and we’re offering a free coffee and a car wash for your thoughts!
See below for our three dates in the West Midlands (other regions to follow), where the team will be there to greet you from 9am to 7.30pm. Don’t be shy, drop in and give us your input.
17 September – Premier Inn, Birmingham Road, Hagley DY9 9JS
18 September – Premier Inn, Birchfield Road, Redditch B97 6PX
19 September – Premier Inn, Bonehill Road, Tamworth B78 3HQ
See you there,
RED head office