Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams learns to drive with RED

RED Driving School are proud to announce that Game of Thrones star, Maisie Williams, has chosen RED to introduce her to the roads for the very first time and help her in her quest to gain her full driving licence!
Maisie, who has just turned 17 and plays Arya Stark in the leading HBO drama series, was very nervous prior to her first lesson but has told us she uses techniques that she uses on set of the Game of Thrones to calm her nerves whilst on the road. She states, ‘Whilst out driving with Dave (her RED instructor) I talk to myself quite a lot and when things get stressful I just tell myself to breathe. It’s similar to acting because you’ve got to be in control of yourself at all times and it’s important to keep relaxed’.
Following her first few lessons, Maisie, who is watched by 6.6 million fans worldwide each week, also revealed she is ‘really pleased that she can do it’, as she couldn’t ride a bike as a kid and was worried she might not get to grips with driving.

Maisie has told us that she is excited about passing her test so that she can audition for roles that have previously been unsuitable for her due to her inability to drive. She states ‘I have been sent through so many scripts where my character drives and it’s been such a heart-breaking moment when I realise I can’t go for it. Passing and having the confidence to drive will open up so many more doors for me’.
On her proudest moment so far, Maisie states, ‘I’m happy I have mastered clutch control. It’s so satisfying when you come to a junction and don’t have to put the hand brake on and you can just roll slowly until you’re off again. I feel like James Bond!’.
Maisie now looks forward to mastering the three point turn, going on dual carriage ways and getting up to fourth gear.
For those of you who are Game of Thrones fans, Maisie comments, ‘I think Arya would love to drive a car. Maybe that way she would have been home in time to save her family!’.