The RED Training open days

On the weekend of August 10th & 11th – we held our first RED Training Open Day at the RED Training Centre, Donington Park Race Circuit

We celebrated the official opening of our newly expanded Training Centre at Donington Park, and welcomed guests to see what we do, how we do it, meet the team and indeed network with all other attendees.

The entire RED training and management team were on hand to engage with you and give you the guided tour as well as allow you to experience some of our training activities in vehicle, online and in workshop.

This year we have doubled the size of our training centre providing much more flexible space, additional training rooms and even a training workshop that fits our largest training vehicle.

Our first Open Days ran over two consecutive days to give you more flexibility and the format were in a ‘roll up and ride’ type format so as to fit in with your schedule.

What was on show?

We demonstrated many of the RED training courses and gave you the opportunity to take part if you wish. From on road Fuelsave training to Skid Car and from 4×4 Off Road to Trailer Towing whatever you are interested in, we’re around to discuss with you. You can see the list of our ‘standard’ offerings on the links below but as you may know we don’t just do Driver Training.

We currently have over 50 different training courses, in and on many different vehicle types; online; in classroom and workshop but all having in common, the improvement of people!

By focussing on improving your key assets, your staff, they in turn improve their performance making you more efficient and saving you money; all whilst ticking the Duty of Care and Health & Safety boxes free of charge. Of course we teach people new skills, whilst also reminding them of things they may have forgotten, but because everything we do is so people focussed, and just makes sense, we find that ‘trainees’ leave our interaction with them, wanting to change. Engagement has always been our way and we are passionate about delivering quality programmes that truly make a difference.

People Resilience and Wellbeing are cornerstones of RED training courses and we have many tools to help with this.

RED Interactive Workshops – Open Day programme

We ran snippets from a variety of our popular Driver, Wellbeing and CPC workshops throughout the day; including:

  • Safe Loading and Load Security – Driver CPC
  • Driver Wellbeing and Fatigue
  • Trailer Towing – Using the BLACK acronym for safer towing
  • The Common causes of a crash

The RED team were also be hand to demonstrate the many aspects of our online DRM system; and were happy to show you how this works, either as a package or as individual interventions. Whichever you chose, the elements are simple for your drivers to complete, providing quality, relevant training and importantly, a comprehensive administrator portal.

The RED DRM system has, but is not limited to:

  • RED Driver Profile (RDP)
  • Driving Licence checks
  • Grey Fleet compliance – are more of your drivers now using their own vehicle for business use?
  • Quarterly E Learner modules – bespoke to each user
  • Driver Wellbeing & Resilience programme – unique to RED; available for non drivers too!
  • Driver dashboard/library
  • Management dashboard
  • Ability to ‘divisionalise’ and give hierarchical manager permissions
  • Audit trail, online and downloadable reports
  • Linkable with other third party providers
  • Fully flexible in every respect with Company specific content and bespoke modules
  • Budgetary control – only pay for those ‘live’ in the programme each month with no surprises!

The benefits are many but include; reduced fleet running costs; improved staff engagement; audit trail for H&S purposes; simple but comprehensive management reporting and; advice from the RED team; who have been doing this stuff for a while now!

RED Training partners/clients networking

RED DRM works closely with its partners to provide/integrate many other ‘fleet’ related services and many of these partners were on hand to offer their advice also. Obviously, many of RED’s other clients were also around and guests had the opportunity to interact with them too.